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Depends on how well you absorb information and a little bit of natural talent. It's different for everyone. But seriously...GO FOR IT!

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Q: How long it take to learn a musical instrument?
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How do you make a simple musical instrument?

To make a musical instrument take ten flutes.Now place them one by one. Tie them together,tightly.Now they are ready,Panpipes.

How much would an antoria guitar be worth?

How long is a piece of string?! It depends on the model, the best idea is to take it into a respectiful musical instrument shop.

Why should kids take a musical instrument should it be mandatory to take at least 1 musical instrument?

they should take a musical instrument because it's a good experience and some say it improves knowledge and that kids who take up a band instrument, tend to score higher on their SAT's if that matters to you.i don't think it has to be mandatory, they shouldn't be forced to. i think you should want to learn an instrument.i'd also recommend an instrument that's not as popular as the others or one that's in demand for the specific group. like, flutes are really popular, so there comes a time when the kid has to get seated based on skill and knowledge of the instrument. if there are a lot of other people that play the instrument, the competition will be stiff. so pick an instrument that's not too hard to pick up and that is well suited for the student.hope that helped.:]

Is it true that most students don't practice playing their musical instrument even when they want to audition?

yes it is true ! most of the student don't practice playing their musical instrument even when they want to take audition because they have their own confidence and belief that if they go for the audition then they definitely get the selection for the musical instrument so they don't want to take the audition.

What musical instrument do Fili and Kili take pleasure in?

Kili and Fili played fiddles.

What is an item that an immigrant might take with them to occupy them on their journey?

Their Bible, photographs, a musical instrument...

Is the guitar the most popular instrument on the market?

The guitar is one of the instruments that is very easy to learn. It's size makes it easy to take anywhere and it can produce a variety of quality sounds. For these reasons and several others, it remains to be the most popular and sought after musical instrument

How long does it take to write a musical?

dippends on how long it is

A good homemade instrument for school?

I'm assuming Musical instrument. Take a old garden hose and put a funnel on the end, you get a trumpet. The longer the hose is the lower the instrument will be.

Can you learn to play an instrument for your extended project?

Yes I can learn it, unless it would not take too much time.

How long does it take to learn the violin?

There is no great way to try and guess how long it would take you to become good at playing the violin. It varies from person to person and some people have a natural gift to pick up the instrument much faster.

I just started to learn to play the clarinet. It is very high quality. If I play it for a long time I get dizzy Am I doing something wrong or am i just weak?

Rest assured, you are not weak. You are using your lungs in a different way to take the deep breaths needed to play a musical instrument with good support. If you get dizzy, take a break for a couple of minutes and begin again. As you continue to practice and learn more about the instrument you will become used to this deeper breathing. Singers and other wind instrument players also have this happen, so you are not alone. Keep up the work, music is fun (I have been playing clarinet for almost forty years).