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Q: How long it takes to build up the lost iron reserves in the body. anemia?
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Related questions

Why does it take a long time to recover from anemia caused by blood loss?

Because it may take time for the body to build up the lost iron reserves.

Is carbohyrates stored by the body as energy reserves?

Lipids are stored by the body as energy reserves

Anemia is the disorder of the?

Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

Can anemia cause body aches?


Does anemia have long term afftecs?

Anemia means that the body has too few or abnormal red blood.

Are stored by the body as energy reserves?


When does vitamin B12 anemia occur?

Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is another type of megaloblastic anemia that develops when the body doesn't absorb enough of this nutrient.

I have many symptoms of anemia. How severe is my anemia?

Blood lab work will be the only way to determine the severity of your anemia. One's body's reaction to anemia will vary depending on a few factors. The body has a remarkable ability to adapt, even to anemia. If one becomes anemic gradually, he or she may not even notice until the condition is bad compared to someone who develops anemia suddenly. The cause must also be considered.

Is anemia a health risk associated with being overweight?

Not really. Anemia doesn't have that much to do with body weight, but more with diet.

What is your body's main energy reserve?

Its fat reserves.

Can you kiss someone with anemia?

Yes, anemia does not affect a person's ability to kiss someone. Anemia is a condition where there is a lack of healthy red blood cells in the body, it is not a contagious disease.

A deficiency of vitamin b12 leads to which type of anemia?

Megaloblastic (Macrocytic) Anemia. Basically the Red Blood Cells have a larger volume (MCV).