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Q: How long public drunk stay on your record in Georgia?
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How long does a restraining order stay on public record in CA?

Public record remains public record forever, unless something is sealed.

How long does a person have to stay in jail for public drunk?

That depends on the jurisdiction and, to a degree, the judge.

How long will a DUI conviction be on your record in the state of Georgia?

For most insurance companies it only stays on your record for 5 years. For employment checks or if you go to the DMV to obtain a copy of your record, I believe in Georgia a DUI/DWI stays on your record for 7 years.

How long does reckless driving stay on your driving record in Georgia?

In Georgia, traffic violations, including reckless driving, stay on your driving record permanently. So, even when the points drop off your record, the actual conviction remains.

How long does a warrant remain public record in Indiana?

Question isn't clear. An active (i.e.- unserved) warrant is not usually a "public' record. The fact that you may have been arrested on a warrant IS a public record. If that doesn't answer your question, reword and resubmit it.

How long is a DUI likely to stay on a public record?

The time a DUI conviction stays on a public record varies between states. In some states it is on one's record forever. In other states it will remain on record for at least 5 years.

How long will a civil judgment remain on public record in pa?

7 years

How long does a minor in possession of alcohol ticket stay on your record in Iowa?

It always stays on your record, however the record is sealed to the public after you turn 18.

How long do written warnings stay on record in Georgia?

If you are referring to warning tickets, they will appear on the record but do not count as chargeable offenses nor do they gather points.

How long will a speed contest violation stay on your record?

In California 3yrs. In Virgina 3yrs & public record 7 years.

How long do Environmental documents remain public record?

The key phrase is "PUBLIC records." All public records are always just that: Always available to the public for scrutiny.

How long do misdemeanors stay public record in Wisconsin?

If it was committed after your 18th birthday, it is a permanent part of your adult criminal history record.