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A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after sex.

If someone is having sex with you and you're only 13 years old this is considered rape, having sex with someone under-age is illegal because you cannot consent to sex and it puts you at serious risk. If someone is having sex with you and you're only 13 years old then you need to tell an adult.

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Q: How long should a 13 year old wait to find out if she's pregnant missing her period?
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What should you do after 55 days without your period and test say im not pregnant?

See a doctor to find out why you don't get your period.

Who should you ask to help you find out if you are pregnant?

You should buy a urine test to determine pregnancy or wait for a missed period.

Can you find out if you are pregnant before few day to your period?

A pregnancy test (available from most supermarkets and pharmacists) should indicate whether you're pregnant regardless of how close/far you are from your period.

Can you find out if you are pregnant 1 week before your period?

You can find out you are pregnant 14 days after you had sex.

What is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test to find out if your pregnant?

Missing menstruation (missing your period) would generally be the earlist sign of pregnancy. .....I could tell i was pregnant about 1 week after my missed period...not because of a blood test but me and my partner felt a difference during sex. it felt, well smoother. The earliest you can be SURE is when someone hears the heartbeat or you feel movements. why not just take a test?

When will a girl find out she is pregnant?

she will find out once her period doesnt come

Do you have to miss your period in order to find out that your pregnant?

No, you don't have to miss your period in order to find out that you're pregnant. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after you've had sex, you don't have to wait for a missed period.

Can you find out if you're pregnant after 2 weeks?

Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

In the olden days how did you find out you were pregnant?

The same ways people do now, other than the urine and blood tests. Missing a period, feeling sick, and eventually growing a baby bump and feeling the baby moving.

Does missing a period mean your pregnant?

Most of the time yes. But you should take a test to be sure. Bodies aren't clockwork, and can miss/delay a period for any number of reasons. One missed period is not a certain sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be, get tested and find out. OTC tests are quite reliable.Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean you are pregnant. Some missed periods are due to stress, health problems, irregular period or pregnancy. If you miss a period it could be that you are pregnant but it can also be a hormonal imbalance. basically something changed in your hormones that made you miss your period. But I recommend getting a test. You can go to a clinic since they likely give free tests.

When can you get pregnant when your last period was end of march?

You can get pregnant any time you have sex regardless of when your period was. To find the most likely time when you will get pregnant count back 14 days from the first day of your last period. One month from that day is the most likely time to get pregnant.

I haven't had a period in 2 months but I usually have 1 every 14-21 days can i be pregnant?

Yes, if you have had sex - it is possible that you are. There are many other things that contribute to a missing period. Unusual levels of stress, change in diet, etc - including being pregnant. Please proceed to taking a pregnancy test and take extra good care of yourself until you find out.