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Q: How long should a person stay on life support?
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How long can a person be on life support before pulling the plug?

The time that a person spends on life support depends on their underlying condition--people do get well. The family, guardian and others make the decision to end life support based on medical advice. Insurance companies and others do not have a say.

How long can a person live on life support?

Depends on how fast they heal or on their condition. But if a life support system fails, then it might display a huge risk on the person's life. If a patient is critically ill and needs life support just to try and fight for their life, they can die immediately if the system fails

How long does it take for someone to die after being taken off life support?

That depends on what injuries the person has and why they were on life support. It could be a few minutes to a few days. I suggest asking your doctor.

How long can you stay on life support?

the rest of your life

What is the percent of the Milky Way supporting life?

yes the milky way can support life, but it can't support life too long.

Why don't right-wingers think that life support is 'playing God'?

Right-wing advocates believe that life support is not playing God because it is an extension of life. Some believe that as long as a person is breathing, whether it is on their own or not, there is a chance for recovery. This is not the case in all situations.

Can you break a life estate deed if the person is incompetent?

You must obtain a court decree extinguishing the life estate in order to clear the title to the property. If the life tenant holder is not capable of exercising their right to the use of the property it should be a relatively simple process to obtain a judgment as long as you have the right evidence to support your request. You should consult with an attorney who can review the situation and explain your options.

If a person is on life support and they are taken off of it the plug is pulled how long can they live without it?

This depends on what the patient's pathology is, and how dependent on the life support equipment they are for sustaining life. There have been rare cases where, once removed from the life support equipment, the patient started breathing and eventually recovered to a point where they didn't need the life support equipment to survive. More often, mortality occurs minutes, hours or days after disconnect. Again, it depends on the patient.

Can a person survive for a time on life support if the heart has been removed for organ donation?

As long as a machine is pumping blood throughout the body I don't see why not.

What is the life expectancy for someone with no heart?

Not very long on life support - a few months

How long can a person with a life estate in a nursing long term keep the life estate?

As long as they are alive.

Can life estate go to a person whose name is not on deed?

The person who is receiving the life estate must be listed as grantee in the deed along with the clear intention that only a life estate is granted. The deed should be drafted by a professional who can discuss the consequences and responsibilities associated with granting a life estate.