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If there wasn't any real damage- the excruciating pain should be gone in a few minutes.

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Q: How long should pain subside after a stubbed toe?
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The pain you're feeling right now will subside soon enough and we can continue with the operation.

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To subside means to taper off or lessen. The patrons of the bistro hid under tables knowing the shaking of the quake would eventually subside. The pain in his jaw began to subside a few hours after the tooth extraction.

How do you treat big toe pain?

First thing you should do is rest your foot. Putting weight on it may make it hurt more. Secondly, take some pain medicine to ease the discomfort. If the pain doesn't subside, you should consider doing physical therapy.

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Sounds like a symptom of osteoarthritis.It might possibly be torn cartilage.

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A capped tooth may hurt for awhile after the work has been done, but the pain should not be severe and it should subside over time. If you continue to have pain, check with your dentist as your tooth may have an infection or another problem.

What do you do once you just have stubbed your toe?

Wait for the pain to go away and then move on with the piece of sh*t that you call a life.

what can I put on my swollen calf?

That is something you will mostly likely have to wait out. Ice is always an easy remedy to any injury. You can also take up to 800mg of ibuprofen to help with the pain, however, the pain should subside in a few days.

How long is the coccyx bone?

i am a nineteen year old boy who has fallen off a scrambler unto my coccyx is only sore under long should it take for the pain to subside. i am a nineteen year old boy who has fallen off a scrambler unto my coccyx is only sore under long should it take for the pain to subside.The spine has to end somewhere, and that last vertebra is called the coccyx. If it didn't end there, we would have tails.

What is a sentence for the word barbarian?

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