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On average, it lasts two weeks for a two coat pedicure. But if your stockings and shoes do not fit, the effective wear is reduced. Try using a very good polish.

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Q: How long should toenail polish last?
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What causes a toenail to split?

If the toenail is too long or if it is dry, then it will split.

How long does essie nail polish last?

A week, like any other good nail polish.

If the cuticle of your toenail is not parallel to the tip of your toe should you trim your toenail so that it's parallel to the cuticle or so that it's parallel to the tip of the toe?

It doesn't matter so long as you don't undercut so much that you get an ingrown toenail.

How long is your toenail?

As long as you want to grow it.

How long will your toenail clipping preserve for?

A persons toenail clippings last a very long time because they have little moisture in them that would lead to corrosion or bacterial induced decay. There are instances of toenails and fingernails preserved within tombs that were sealed thousands of years ago.

How long is a toenail?

50 feet.

How long does pure ice nail polish last?

about 3 to 5 days

How many applications in nail polish?

It depends on the nail polish, but there should be at least ONE application of the color you want on your nails. Let dry. For extra boldness and to even out any mistakes, put on a second layer. Let dry. To make your nail polish last as long as possible, add one layer of clear nail polish on top and you're done!

What scientifically makes nail polish last longer?

Well depending on how much you work with your hands. If you are washing them constantly, they will probably come off faster. It also depends on the chemical making and the oils in your skin, which can affect how long your nail polish lasts. You should put on a top coat after finished with the main colour because it will protect the colour and make the nail polish last a bit longer.

How long is the longest toenail in the UK?

1cm and a half to be exact

How long those a take for a toenail to grow back?

About a month

How long does a bottle of fingernail polish last?

Opened bottles, after about two years. Unopened, they can last indefinitely, says Annette Soboleski, a nail technician for polish maker OPI Products Inc. Once a bottle is opened, however, some ingredients will evaporate, causing the polish to thicken and separate. To thin the polish and make it last longer, add a few drops of nail-lacquer thinner.