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Q: How long should you see blood in urine after transuretheral resection surgery?
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What care should a patient receive after a transurethral bladder resection?

As with any surgical procedure, blood pressure and pulse will be monitored. Urine is expected to be blood-tinged in the early postoperative period. Continuous bladder irrigation (rinsing) may be used for approximately 24 hours after surgery.

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5 units

What should I know before going in for spine surgery?

your doctor's experience at this particular surgery all the risk including if a blood transfusion is needed is your blood type available.

When should acute blood loss anemia following surgery be coded as a complication of the?

When the physican states that the large amount of amount of blood loss is due to the surgery and causing the anemia.

Should uric acid go for surgery?

Surgery will tend to increase the amount of uric acid in the blood as the body repairs and metabolizes the purines in the cells killed as a result of the surgery.

What safety concerns should be considered before undergoing surgery for cosmetic implants?

Before considering such a surgery, one should take into account their risk of undergoing surgery. More specifically, the doctor should consider these risks. If the patient is older or has a history of heart disease or blood clots, for example, they may not be good candidates for surgery.

Why may there be large quantities of thromboplastin in blood after surgery?

why there may be large quantities of thromboplastin in blood after surgery.

Does blood pressure affect open heart surgery?

blood pressure can effect ALL types of surgery.

Is it bad donating blood a day before surgery please help what can happen if i do?

It is not bad to donate blood before surgery. But it is generelly unacceptable. Thats because when you donate blood,the volume of blood decreases in your body and after surgery it will take a long time for your body to recover than if you had not donated blood. Weakness and slow recovery after surgery are the most common side effects if blood has been done before surgery and is not advisable

What is intraoperative blood collection?

Intraoperative blood collection: the blood lost during surgery is processed, and the red blood cells are re-infused during or immediately after surgery.

S it bad donating blood a day before surgery?

is it bad donating blood a day before surgery?

How long after total shoulder replacement surgery can you donate blood?

You can not donate blood next five years after ACL surgery.