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Q: How long should you wait till you kiss someone you are dating?
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you might be dating but he might not of asked you out. wait untill he asks you out or he go's in for the kiss

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If you haven't seen the person for a long time, you should expect a kiss.

After a first date how long should you wait for someone to kiss you?

After the date (if it went well)

Should you kiss your boyfriend if you've been dating him for 16 months?

Ye of course you can. He is probably wondering why it tok that long. You can kiss as soon as the both of you feel comfortable doing so.

How long should you wait before dating someone new?

well atleast a day

Why are people that are dating someone dumb?

Dating someone is not dumb. In order to find someone to marry one day you should date others so you know what type of person you are looking for. As long as you are being smart about who you are dating and what you are doing in that relationship, you are being smart, not dumb. Good Luck!

How long does it take for Joe Jonas to kiss you once you have started dating?

It's a personal choice, but kissing should be saved until both partners are comitted in the relationship.

Should a girl kiss the boy or should the boy kiss the girl?

Are you dating this boy. Maybe you should ask him out or if you really like him and he likes you back you should kiss him. If your dating him then you should kiss him only if you want don't let him force you if your not ready, If you are ready but don't want to do it first, maybe you should ask him to kiss you, I'm sure if your dating him he wont mind but if your not id be careful in case it's ab it tricky, Maybe you should ask him some questions and see if he likes you or get friends to ask if he likes you, if he does like you, you should kiss him, or he might kiss you. Either way it doesn't matter who kisses who as long as your ok with it .

When should kids kiss?

If you really like someone, and they like you back, then, fine, as long as you are at least 12, or 13, not 3; LOL.

How long until you are kissed?

The answer is different for every person. It depends what kind of person you are and what kind of person you're dating. there is no right or wrong time to kiss someone just do it when it feels right :) x

How long should you wait to kiss your girlfriend?

Well, you need to wait until its the right time for both of you. If you force yourself on her that could be a mistake. Depending on how long you've been dating or how old you are will make a big difference,too. Does she give you any indication she's ready for a kiss?