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You should wait until you know without a shadow of a doubt that you love that person. Love is a strong word, it is used very often by people who aren't sure what it is. There are different forms of love. Love is an emotion that is easily felt. You also can love someone but not be in love with them. But if you look at that person and your heart skips a beat, when you think of them you smile and they are not around. When your phone rings and you see its them you get butterflies instantly. And you know in your heart that you could not spend the rest of your life without them, you know you love them. Then let them know it!

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Q: How long should you wait to say i love you?
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Until you are absolutely, 110% sure of it. Do not confuse a simple lust or crush for love; you should end up waiting for a number of months before saying it.

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Wait for the right time, make her love you and when you say it to her it will feel right and she will say it back, I promise you that, but if she doesn't say it back then there is something wrong and I would look through her text messages to see whats going on. Ask anything man and I'll answer it if i can.

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If you do love him, then don't be afraid to say it back. However, if you're not sure than you should wait until you are. He'll understand if he really does love you.

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I waited a year and a half, but normally you should wait a lot longer than that, especially if you're still in your teens (yeah, as if you're actually gonna marry that person you're saying "i love you" to.)

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Every other month, I'd say.

Should you tell your boyfriend you love him first?

No, wait for him to to say it, so you don't look like an idiot when he says "thanks"

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its up to you how long but i would probably say hi at first then if he doesnt have your number say remember we met at the club last night

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It does not matter if you are male or female. If one of you decides that they want to say it right away then they do it. You shouldn't wait for the other person to say it before you.

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I'm a girl and i would say 1mn-3mn