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Smoking suppresses the action of the mechanisms that normally rid the lungs of mucous, and a lot of garbage builds up in there. Getting rid of it after quitting is normal and no cause for alarm. It's just your lungs doing the job of cleaning they were not allowed to do previously due to the effects of smoking.

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Q: How long to clear mucus out of lungs after quit smoking?
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Smoking suppresses the formation of mucus (phlegm). The overproduction is a natural rebound reaction. As long as it is clear, not greenish, you have nothing to worry about; it's just part of the healing process. If it doesn't stop in a few weeks, it might be a good idea to check with your doctor.

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I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

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You're body needs at least 10 days to get rid of all nicotine, but what needs time here is the acclimation of your body to live without nicotine.

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that's an odd question . What do you mean by blackening the lungs? there has never been any cancer associated with smoking marijuana.

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Cilia are hair like structures that brush away particles in your lungs. When you smoke dust, pollen and other particles get stuffed into them and sit there. If they are there for a long time they form tar.

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In the US, you can be fired for just about anything as long as it doesn't constitute discrimination, so yes, you could be fired for smoking on the job (or for complaining about smoking on the job; your question wasn't entirely clear).

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Increased mucus is just another part of being pregnant. As long as it is clear to cloudy with no foul odor / burning, it is normal. Check with your medical care provider if you have any questions.

How long does it take for a smokers lungs to heal?

about 10 years ;c ) The worst effects pass after 24-48 hours. Then it takes ages. But it is worth it. after a week you (I did) notice health gains. If I could feel better after a week, imagine how much better you feel after a year....