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Q: How long to find out what kills the infection found in urine?
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Can urine carry airborne diseases?

Normally urine will not carry the airborne diseases. As urine is generated from ultra-filtrate. But then this is not the rule of thumb and you may find some infection or at least some individual, who can transmit the airborne infection by way of urine.

What can you find in a sample of urine?

Well i only know two things, you can find if your pregnant or not and if you have a water infection.

What measures should be adopted if pus ceiis present in urine?

Find the source of infection & treat it.

What is urine cs test?

Urine C/S stands for urine culture and sensitivity.It is used to identify the microorganism that causes the infection (culture) and to find a suitable antibiobic which is susceptible to kill the microorganism (sensitivity) Hope it would help you..

How do you know if you have an kidney infection if your pee don't burn and your urine is clear?

Blood in urine or symptoms that relate to kidney infection. Pain on the right or left side of the stomach, a cutting or burning pain on and off across your lower abdomen, need to pee even when there are just drops of urine when you go to to pass urine, pain when urinating and the likes

What could be wrong if I have a strong odor to my urine?

You could have a bladder infection. You would need to see a doctor to find out, and a bladder infection, if you do have one, will NOT just go away, unless you take antibiotics. So it is not something to ignore. Infection, if left alone long enough, can become fatal. For other possible causes of a strong odor in your urine, see the link below.

Where can find lowest concentration of nitrogen in urine?

The lowest concentration of nitrogen can be found in the urine when it is first produced. As it accumulates in the bladder, so does the overall concentration of nitrogen.

How do you treat bloody urine in goats?

You need to find out why your goat has bloody urine, is it a bacterial or viral infection, leptospirosis or is the blood present because of urinary calculi - it would be best to take your goat to your veterinarian who can take its temperature, do blood and urine tests and provide the appropriate medication.

What illness may someone have if they find blood in their urine?

There are a variety of illnesses associated with the finding of blood in the urine (hematuria). The most common is a urinary tract infection. Other possibilities include urinary obstruction, nephritis, renal cancer, and more.

How to keep urine body temp?

At one time a friend found a Japanese company that made warmers thAt kept urine at a constant 98.6 And I wiSh I could find that site

Bright yellow urine and back pain?

This occurs when you don't drink enough water. This can cause infection in your kidneys.

What causes blood and bacteria in urine?

Those can be symptoms of a urinary tract infection and a doctor should be consulted to find out if that is the problem or something else is causing those symptoms.