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Q: How long to heat up a skillet in the oven?
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How long does it typically take an electric oven to heat up?

This would depend on the manufacter of the oven and what temperature you have it set to but it can typically take 20 - 30 minutes to fully heat up.

How do you blanch a brand new cast iron skillet?

# put oil on it # Heat it up i dont no 4 sure, but im pretty sure!

Why are there bulbs in an oven toaster?

to heat up the toast .

What type of oven can heat up things very quickly?

a solar cooking oven

What happens when you heat up a balloon in the oven?

i think when you heat it up a oil balloon i think it gonna melts.

How do they heat up your dinner on airplanes?

In small oven heaters.

What does it mean when a can says heat in saucepan?

It means open up the can, put the food or whatever inside into a saucepan then light the cooker and heat it. You can heat it up in microwave oven but in my opinion, food is not so good when heated in oven.

How does a microwave oven heat up?

The oven doesn't heat up. The air inside stays at room temperature (although that would be difficult to measure). What heats up is the substances you place in the oven that absorb 2.5 GHz radio energy effectively ... mostly water and fats in foods.

Why do you heat oven?

So the oven is at the correct temperature for cooking. As soon as you place the item in the oven it will begin the cooking process rather than waiting for the oven to warm up.

Why paint the oven shelf black?

Black absorbs heat instead of radiating it away so would heat up the oven quicker ;)

How long does it take to reach 160 on pork chops with oven at 350 degrees?

This depends on the type of oven you have (e.g. gas versus electric), as well as the make/model of the oven. Some ovens are able to heat up a lot faster than other ones.

Is it a good idea to let a skillet heat up empty or should you put oil or butter in it before heating?
