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they where never married

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Q: How long was Cleopatra vii married Mark Anthony?
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How long were Cleopatra and mark Antony married?

Because they loved eachother.

Did Cleopatra marry Julius Caesar first or mark Anthony?

Cleopatra actually did not marry either one of them. Caesar never married her and the marriage to Marc Antony was a sham, set up to impress the Egyptian people with the unity of their political alliance. The word "marriage" had many meaning in the ancient world.

How long was Cleopatra and Caesar married?

Cleopatra and Caesar were never married.

How long does the play Antony and Cleopatra last for?

the play Anthony and Cleopatra lasted for 13 hours long!!!

What is Augustus rememberd for?

For his long reign, the development of Rome and its new institutions, the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony and the re-writing of history from his point of view.

What achievements did Cleopatra accomplish?

She married king tut,she became the First trusted female pharaoh Absolutely WRONG answer. Cleopatra was NEVER married to King Tut - King Tut was long dead before she was ever born. King Tut was Pharaoh during the New Kingdom and Cleopatra was Pharaoh during the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Cleopatra was married to Julius Caesar before he died and later to Mark Antony.

How long have Antony and Cleopatra been together?

They were "married" for 6 years

How long did Cleopatra Selene II rule for?

Cleopatra Selene II was the daughter of Cleopatra VII. She, herself did not rule, she was married to the king of Mauretania, he was the ruler. We don't even know at what age she married her husband or exactly when she died. The estimates of her death are between 5 BC and 11 AD---a long time span.

How long was Cleopatra married to ptolemy XIII?

after the death of thier father died in 51 b.c

How long was Cleopatra not queen?

Cleopatra Became Queen At 18 because her father died she then married her oldest brother. So she wasn't in rule from birth to 18.

Why is Cleopatra famous?

Lots of reasons:Queen (or Pharoh) of Egypt.Daughter of Ptolemy XII, and sister to Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV (her brothers she also married, but the union produced no children)Lover of Julius Caesar and mother to his child, Caesarion.Lover of Mark Anthony, and mother to three of his children.Defeated by Augustus, and committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by an asp.To this day Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Her legacy survives in numerous works of art and the many dramatizations of her story in literature and other media, including William Shakespeare's tragedy Antony and Cleopatra, Jules Massenet's opera Cléopâtre and the 1963 film Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor.Because she was a queen of Egypt.

How long was cleopatra married to her brother?

She was married to her first brother, Ptolemy XIII, for less than a year, as he was killed in the Alexandrian war soon after their marriage. She then married her second brother, Ptolemy XIV, and they were married for about three years.