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Q: How long was England protestant before Charles' reign?
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Who was in reign before Charles 1?

James I of England and VI of Scotland, the first Stewart King of England. He was father of Charles I.

Which New England colony was not founded during the reign of Charles I or Charles II?

New Hampshire

Was Shakespeare's England a catholic country or protestant one?

Protestant. Henry VIII had severed the English church from the control of Rome some thirty years before Shakespeare was born, and except for the short reign of Mary I it remained so.

What major threat from spain was destroyed during elizabeth's reign?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was a major victory for England during Elizabeth's reign. Catholic Spain and Protestant England were rivals.

Who was the last Roman Catholic Monarch UK?

King Henry VIII, he was also the first protestant Monarch in the UK as it was during his reign that England became protestant.

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The reforms of the Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth I made it more Protestant.

What was the religion of William III?

William III was a Protestant, belonging to the Dutch Reformed Church. He was a prominent defender of Protestantism against Catholicism during his reign as King of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Which of the following mostly characterized the reign of Charles the first a.flourishing of the arts b.religious conformity c.looser social structure?

Religious conformity is the best way to characterize the reign of Charles the first. Charles was king of England, Scotland, and Ireland until 1649.

What year was A Child's History published by Charles Dickens?

A Child's History of England was first published in serial form in 1853 in Charles Dickens' journal Household Words. It was published in three volumes:Volume I. - England from the Ancient Times, to the Death of King John (1852)Volume II. - England from the Reign of Henry the Third, to the Reign of Richard the Third (1853)Volume III. - England from the Reign of Henry the Seventh to the Revolution of 1688 (1854)

In 1600 were there more Protestants or Catholics?

England was more Protestant in 1558. This was when Elizabeth I came to power and made England Protestant, but allowed Catholics to worship privately. However, there was most likely to have been more Catholics than Protestants in England.

When was Prince Charles' reign?

Prince Charles has yet to reign though he is heir to the throne

Who reign after James VI?

James VI of Scotland (also known as James I of England) was succeeded by Charles I on 27th March 1625.