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He was made Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, and by August 1934 was the absolute dictator of Germany. He was in total control of Germany until his suicide at the end of April 1945- so, going from summer 1934, he was in power for almost 11 years.

He maintained that power by making other political parties illegal, and using a large and powerful police force to eliminate opposition. Propaganda also played a major role, as well as organizations, such as the Hitler Youth, which were intended to indoctrinate people into believing Hitler was infallible. He rebuilt the military and early in World War II, that military was very successful, which fed into the pervasive propaganda of the Nazi party.

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Q: How long was Hitler in power and how did they maintain it?
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it took Hitler 32 years to come to power

When anh for how long was hilter in power?

Hitler was in power from 1933 to 1945.

How did Hitler maintain his power in prewar Germany?

Well Hitler was a dictator so he makes all the decisions of what Germany does also he had anyone killed who disagreed with him.

Hitler maintain power?

if your question is how did he mantaine power? well id say through the nazi party and a real well organized facist goverment.

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he tricked people into thinking that what he was doing was for the better of all man and often hid the evil that he was doing.

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Hitler smitler who cares, he did a terrible crime and it shouldn't matter how long it took

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Probably until he gain power then he had people do it for him

When did Hitler take power and when did he lose the power?

Hitler rose into power in 1934 and he lost power in 1945.

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Which government? Hitler's bid to the Chancellery was accepted in 1933 by von Hindenburg. Therefore Hitler's Rise to Power was within (not outside of) the German government. As for foreign powers, they wished to avoid war for as long as possible.

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Theocratic rulers usually maintain power until they die.