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Q: How long was Jonah in the fish and where is that found in the bible?
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How long was Jonah stuck in the whale for and where is it found in the Bible?

Jonah was in the whale three days and three nights.Jonah 1:17"Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."

Why do Christians tell their children about Jonah and the big fish?

Like all Bible stories we can learn something from Jonah about God and man. From the story of Jonah we can see: God is sovereign, God is patient with mankind, God is long suffering, mankind is indifferent to the suffering of others, mankind is not obedient to God

How long was Jonah in the belly of the big fish?

Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for three days and three nights before being vomited out onto dry land.

Was Jonah and the big fish in the Old Testament?

The book of Jonah, though the Bible does not call it a 'whale'. At Jonah 1:17, the Bible says: "Now the Lordhad prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."(KJV)Jonah 1:17New King James Version (NKJV) Jonah's Prayer and Deliverance17 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jesus confirmed this event and gave it as a sign of His being the Messiah

How long was Noah in the great fish?

I think you mean Jonah, not Noah. See the Related Questions.

How long was Jonah trapped in the whale?

He was in the whale Three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17Answer:Due to some unfortunate translations in the King James Bible ... the originally inspired wording doesn't say Jonah was swallowed by a "whale." It says:"...Now the Lord had PREPARED A GREAT FISH to swallow up Johah..." (Jonah 1:17).Even Matthew's KJV use of the word "whale" is originally inspired as: "ketos" (kay'-tos) - "a huge fish."So, while it could possibly have been a whale... it may not have been. It says that God "specially prepared" a great fish. This may have been a whale, a specially prepared accomodating fish of some other variety... or a very special great fish that never existed before (or since).

Where is a whale located in the Bible?

There is no specific place in the Bible where a 'whale' is mentioned.Some feel that the creature that swallowed Jonah was a whale, but the Bible simply states that it was " a great fish ", the kind of fish not being named. (Jonah 1:17) Jesus backs that up at Matthew 12:40. Though it could have been a sperm whale, or a white shark or even something from groups thought long extinct, the Bible does not say.Psalm 104:25, 26 speaks of "Leviathan" which appears to be some form of large, strong aquatic creature, and describes it as "playing' in the sea' where ships travel, and some people suggest that the term here applies to some type of whale. (Though whales are rare in the Mediterranean, they are not unknown there). Others feel it might mean a large ocean crocodile, but again, the Bible is not specific.

Where at in the Bible in long-suffering found?

galations 5:22-23

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Yes i found a baby snapping turtle and he loves little fish he is about 1 inch long

Longest word in the Bible?

Question: What is the longest word(s) in the bible?MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ- This is the longest name in the bible an it can be found in (Isaiah 8:1)Jonathelemrechokim is also a long name in the bible and can also be found in (Psalm 56:1)These two words consists of 18 letters and are the longest words in the bible.

Where is the FISH book on clubpenguin?

The FISH book was there a long time ago. Once the headquarters for secret agents got destroyed it was never found again.