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It is said that the ark floated for 40 days and 40 nights.**

** Previous Answer

WRONG!-Genesis Chapter 8. Try reading it. In chapter 7, it is mentioned that the rain lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. In Genesis 8:3, it is mentioned that, "at the end of the one hundred and fifty days the water decreased." Depending on your reckoning of this time frame, the ark was afloat somewhere between 150 and 190 days. This is from the New King James Version of The Bible, which among Christian readers is known to be somewhat unreliable. A Hebrew telling of this account might be more accurate. Regardless of other potential inaccuracies, the correct answer is either 150 or 190 days.

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1mo ago

The ark was afloat for 150 days after the floodwaters began.

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I think that you asked this question with a smirk on your face. To answer it though, during the time the ark was afloat all animals were under the control of God, and so would have acted according to the spirit that was within them.Additionally (with a smirk) :-]Unless the woodpecker was a cartoon character named "Woody," who would have decimated the football field-sized ark in a matter of seconds -- real woodpeckers aren't "buzz-saws." They only peck wood if there are larvae within to eat... or if there aren't more convenient insects freely fluttering nearby to jump on.

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