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Thermopylai was a small battle in the 50-year Persian War over three days in 480 BCE.

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Q: How long was the thermopylae war last?
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How long did Battle of Thermopylae last?

3 days

In the Persian War 300 Spartans held out to the last man at the Battle of?

The battle of Thermopylae.

How long did Thermopylae last?

The Battle of Thermopylae lasted for a little over 3 days, with Leonidas I, the main commander, falling on the final day.

Which century was the thermopylae war in?

5th Century BCE - 480 BCE to be precise, and Thermopylae was not a war but rather a small battle in a 50-year war.

What is the name of the war after Thermopylae?

Thermopylai was a battle in the Persian War.

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The answer is the Persian war.

What happened in the war thermopylae?

It was not a war, it was three days of holding the pass and then withdrawing.

What did the Athenians do after they found out about Thermopylae?

They joined the spartans and won the war

What is the importance of Persian Wars and Thermopylae?

The Persian war ended Persian expansion to the west. Thermopylae was a minor tactical delaying action which failed.

How long did it take to defeat the 300 Spartans in the Persian War?

The defence of the pass at Thermopylae by 7,000 Greek soldiers, including the Spartans, lasted three days.

How long was the stand at Thermopylae?

about six days, three in battle

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