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Q: How long will Barack Obama be able to draw his presidential pension?
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Is Barack Obama a terrios?

If we knew what a 'terrios' is we might be able to answer.I presume you meant to ask "Is Barack Obama a terrorist?" - the answer to that is no.

Which one should you do reserch on Barack Obama Rosa parks or sojourner truth?

Barack obama has lots of publicity now so you should be able to find lots of info on him to make a great project. Barack obama has lots of publicity now so you should be able to find lots of info on him to make a great project.

Is Barack Obama our president?

Barack Obama is our president but not for long his term is coming to an end and he wont be able to serve another term do to the fact that he has served all his terms and cant run for presidency again

Is Barack Obama out after this term?

Since U.S. presidents can not serve more than two terms, when Barack Obama's second term ends, he will no longer be able to run for president. In November 2016, there will be an election, and a new president will be chosen.

When was Barack Obama a president?

Barack Obama became president in 2008. He then ran for re-election and won a second term in 2012. When his term ends, he will not be able to run for a third time, because presidents are only allowed to serve two terms.

Why did he became famous Barack Obama?

The reason Barack Obama became so famous was because of the fact that he was African American. He was a very competent candidate for presidency as it was, but the fact that an African American was able to successfully run an election process actually boosted his popularity.

Is Barack Obama the 2009 president?

Barack Obama is our president but not for long his term is coming to an end and he wont be able to serve another term do to the fact that he has served all his terms and cant run for presidency again

What is the education needed to become a RNC?

well they lie about Barack Obama proably a GED and be able to lie sucessfuly on a poligraph test

What would Barack Obama say to Martin Luther King Jr if they met?

Based on what he has said in his writings, I think Barack Obama would be very honored to meet Martin Luther King. Mr. Obama admired what Dr. King did for civil rights. Unfortunately, Dr. King died in 1968, when Barack Obama was just seven years old, so they never were able to meet. But Mr. Obama is aware that many of the improvements in society that young black people of his generation enjoyed occurred because of what people like Dr. King did. I am sure he would express his gratitude and respect to Dr. King if they had been able to meet.

Is Obama still our president?

Barack Obama is our president but not for long his term is coming to an end and he wont be able to serve another term do to the fact that he has served all his terms and cant run for presidency again

What did Obama say in 2008?

This is a difficult question to answer, since Barack Obama said many things in 2008, the year he was running for president. If you provide us with more specific information about what you are seeking, we will be better able to reply.