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Q: How long will a coneflower live?
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Where does a purple coneflower live?

in grss land

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the plant Long-headed coneflower?

The scientific name of the Long-headed coneflower is Ratibida columnifera. It belongs to the family Asteraceae and the genus Ratibida.

What biome does a purple coneflower?

The purple coneflower is in the Tundra biome

Is the purple coneflower a febrifuge?

The purple coneflower is a febrifuge, useful in reducing fevers

How is the purple coneflower grown?

The purple coneflower propagates easily from seed or by root cuttings

Where is the purple coneflower found?

The purple coneflower is a North American prairie native, abundant in the Mid-west

Did the Indians use purple coneflower?

Native American plains Indians relied on the purple coneflower as an all-purpose antiseptic

What is the purple coneflower?

It is a perennial herb

What family is purple coneflower in?

It is in the daisy family

What is Echinacea also called?

Purple coneflower

What eats a purple coneflower?

hamsters :B

When does the purple coneflower bloom?

From mid-summer to autumn