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Q: How long will a finger be sore with a hangnail?
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What do you do if your hangnail gets infected and disappears then your finger gets red and sore and hot?

Put ice on it, and it that doesn't help, take it to the doctor. They will know what to do!

Is it safe for men to finger their bum?

Not if they have a hangnail.

When was The Hangnail created?

The Hangnail was created in 1999.

How sore is it to break a leg arm collar bone finger?

very sore.

Do Chinese people say sore finger?

In Chinese, people may say "手指疼" (shǒuzhǐ téng) which translates to "finger hurts" or "手指痛" (shǒuzhǐ tòng) which translates to "finger is sore" to indicate a sore finger.

How do you get rid of a hangnail?

using twizers and gently pull the hangnail off of your nail.

Who wrote the poem the sore finger?

Walter Wingate

What is an agnail?

An agnail is a corn or sore on the toe or finger.

What is agnail?

An agnail is a corn or sore on the toe or finger.

How long will hangnail infection last?

The hangnail infection will only get worse unless you do something positive to counteract it. In the first few days, the area around the hangnail will become very red and will feel very warm when you touch it. The quickest way to heal hangnail infection is to rinse the infected area in warm water with soap, and put pressure on it so blood (and sometimes puss) can be released from the wound. As soon as all the infected blood is released, the hangnail will begin to heal. Typical heal time 3-5 days.

Does it hurt when someone puts their finger in your?

yes it hurts, I've had experience, If its 1 finger then its not bad, but if your tight and they put another finger it will be sore.

How do you use the word sore in a sentence?

Having cut my finger yesterday, it's really sore today!" She played soccer all day, so her legs became sore after. "