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Q: How long will a tooth stay uninfected after using augmentin 10 day s for abscess?
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If it is safe to take Augmentin 1g in case of early pregnancy?

Thank you for your important question. As a physician , I dont recommend using AUGMENTIN 1 G during pregnancy. Augmentin contains AMOXICILLIN and CLAVULANIC ACID.

As a kid what did you think the tooth fairy was using your tooth for?

A tooth castle.

Does tooth pain require a root canal?

Not all tooth pain is treated with a root canal surgery, it depends on what is wrong with the tooth and how bad it is. Here are some causes of toothache and a possible treatment: 1) sensitive teeth. Not much can be done about this except for using special toothpaste. 2) Tooth decay. Treated by doing a filling. 3) Abscess. Often after the abscess has been treated with antibiotics it is necessary to root fill the tooth. 4. Sinuses. Sometimes a sinus problem or infection can cause referred pain in certain teeth. Treatment focuses on the sinuses then, not the teeth.

What is good for absess tooth pain?

Treating the pain is only dealing with the symptoms rather than the root (no pun intended) of the problem. Oil of cloves and I found sniffing burning cardboard helped alleviate the pain a bit. But you need to get rig of the abscess using antibiotics or having the tooth out. (Robert Burns called toothache ' the hell of all diseases...')

Is onion a good antibiotic for tooth abscess?

I have an abcess ATM and I placed a bit of garlic in my gum and kept it there all day and night , my abscess is now nearly completely gone and all the pain that came with it. its painfull at first but its well worth it later. I`m now using onion to get rid of any infection left. I recomend garlic more if its bad since onions have less antibiotic.

If allergic to augmentin what is the best alternative?

This depends on the reason for the antibiotic. For ear or sinus infections, a cephalosporin would be a good alternative. For dental infections, clindamycin would be the best option. Why are you using augmentin? And was it truly an allergic reaction?

As a kid what did you think the tooth fairy was using your teeth for?

Make jewelry using as currency tooth collection making dentures

What are the symptoms of an abscess caused by injecting myself using a syringe?

hard, possibly white or black, in extreme cases streaking up your arm, fever. depends on if you have an abscess or simply missed a vein.

Does augmentin treat sinus infection?

Yes Augmentin 500 mg as well as the 875 Mgs does treat sinus infections.. I have been prescribed it several times for my sinus infections and then i had to start getting the 875Mg because the 500Mg we not getting the job done anymore after using the 500Mg through out the years.. YES AUGMENTIN CAN BE USED TO TREAT SINUS INFECTIONS

What pokemon evolve using deep sea tooth?

clampearl+deep sea tooth+trade

Does using tooth paste to fix a scratched game really work?

tooth paste? are you kidding? you cant fix a game with tooth paste

What are the preventions of dysentery?

The best way to prevent dysentery is to drink, bathe, and swim in only clean, uninfected water. Using good hygiene can also help prevent dysentery.