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Type your answer here... how long does it take you 2 get pregant when you come of the pill

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Q: How long will it take 4 you 2 get pregnant by coming off the pill?
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Related questions

How long should you take the pill before trying to get pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant then you should not take the pill at all.

What pill to take to get pregnant?

You cant take a pill to get pregnant ! Getting pregnant involves having un-protected sex !

How long does it take to get pregnant once you come off the pill?

It depends on how long you have been on the pill, what type of birth control pill, and your body. It could be anywhere from the day you are off it, to six months. If you are not looking to get pregnant use a condom.

Can a girl take pill if she is not pregnant?

You need to specify what pill you are talking about.

Been off pill 2month period one day then nothing it normally lasts 7days could you be pregnant?

may/may not be. the one day of bleeding could just be due to coming off your will take time for your body to regulate itself coming off the pill

How do you know you are pregnant when you are on the pill and you have been taking them all the times you have to take them how can you get pregnant?

i think that if you get pregnant on the pill that you must not of taked them when you are soposed to or the pill didnt work if you think you are pregnant while you are on the pill you may of missed a time where you might of forgoten to take it or if not the pill may not haved work just go and get a pregnancy test to make sure.

Will estro step help if the pill wasn't taken until after sex?

As by "pill" if you are meaning the birth control pill, as long as you take it everyday you should be fine. I have been on the pill for 5 years and have sometimes forgotten to take the pill for a day or two and have taken the pill after sex and I have never gotten pregnant.

You pregnant and if you take the pill will you have a miscarrriage?

Most likely no

Can you get pregnant if you do not take the birth control pill?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you don't take the birth control pill and have sex. If you want to avoid pregnancy, find a method of contraception.

When you miss a pill and the chances of becoming pregnant increases what should you then do to become protected again and how long will it take?

When you miss a pill take the next pill as soon as you remember and continue taking them as normal. However you will need to use a condom for seven days.

What happens if you dont take your pill right and you get pregnant?

Typically as long as you stop taking it when you find out you are pregnant, it should not cause any harm to the baby. Good luck.

How long does it take to get a period after coming off Birth control?

I was on the pill for 10 years. When I stopped taking the pill it took my body 6 months to have a period. Everyone is different!