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It can be months or years it depends on how old the piercing is and how big the jewellery was, then it depends on your skin type and a few other things, just leave it an carry on with life.

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Q: How long will it take a eye brow piercing scar to fade?
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Does a Monroe piercing leave a scar?

sure it does. How badly you scar depends on how long you have the piercing, how well it healed and how badly you personally scar.

Will a piercing scar if you have only had it three months?

As long as there is jewellery in the piercing the piercing will not scar, it will form new tissue that makes up the piercing. If the jewellery is removed before the piercing is allowed to heal completely this tissue will join together and form scar tissue.

Will a labret piercing leave a scar?

Yes, labret piercings do leave a scar. Depending on the person, some are more obvious than others. In time, most scars fade.

Why do you end up with a scar after having a bruise?

Bruises don't scar. They can take a long time to fade though.

Will removing an eye piercing leave a scar?

Very possibly. Some people scar worse than others. Often, you'll see a tiny scar for a while but it will fade gradually over time until it is barely noticeable.

Will you get a hole in your eyebrow or scarring if you get an eyebrow piercing?

sometimes it will scar and sometimes i wont. after you take it out it will have a little scar for awhile but most of the time it will go away but sometime it does not. but if it does scar it will be small =)

What is the only scar that will never fade and always be with you?

a scar fo the heart

How can you tell if your navel piercing is starting to scar?

If your jewellery is starting to look too long for the piercing the piercing is migrating and will open up at some point and drop the jewellery out.

Does lip piercing scar?

Well its not necessarily that they scar, but its almost as if the hole where the piercing was never goes away. Yes the hole closes, but you can still see where the piercing was.

Where is Amy Lee's scar?

She has a scar from her eyebrow piercing on her left eyebrow.

How can to cure snakebite piercings?

You cannot "cure" a piercing, per-se. If you remove a lip piercing, the hole will close as with any other piercing, though, depending on how long the piercing was in place will define the length of time it takes for the piercing to close entirely. if the piercing has been in place for some time, there is a likelihood that the piercing will scar. The scar will not be immediately noticeable, and will take the shape- in most cases- of a small crater at the site of the piercing.

Will an eyebrow piercing leave a scar?

Yes, an eyebrow piercing can potentially leave a scar. Scarring largely depends on an individual's skin type, the healing process, and how well the piercing is cared for during the aftercare period. Proper aftercare and hygiene can minimize the risk of scarring. In some cases, small, barely noticeable scars may remain, but they tend to fade over time. If you're concerned about scarring, consult with a professional piercer and follow their aftercare instructions diligently to promote optimal healing and reduce the likelihood of prominent scars.