

Best Answer

How long it takes to go from Mars to Saturn depends on:

  • how massive a craft you are using
  • how hig an acceleration you can tollerate
  • how long you can accelerate
  • the specific orbit you decide to follow
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Q: How long will it take to go to Saturn from Mars?
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How long does Mars Mars take to go round the sun?

apparently it takes 686.971 days to go round

What causes mars and saturn to have years lengths?

Saturn is further from the sun than is Mars, so it has to travel further to go around the Sun once. As a result it takes Saturn longer to go around the Sun than it takes Mars. Since a year for any planet is the time it takes for it to go around the sun, the year for Saturn is longer than the year for Mars.

How long does it take for mars to go round the sun?

not sure

How long does it take mars to go around the sun in hours?

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Does Earth go into Saturn?

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How long does Saturn take to go round the sun?

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How long does it take Saturn to go around the zodiac?

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How long would it take to go from Saturn to Earth?

5 to 6 years

How long would it take to drive a car to the planet Saturn?

i am not sure we can go to Saturn by a car and a car cant leave the ground.but i think it will take 1645 years to get to Saturn by a car.

How long does Saturn take to orbit the sun in earth days and hours?

Saturn takes 10759 days to go round.

How long would it take to go to Saturn in a bus?

Assuming the bus travels at 65 MPH, it would take you approximately 1,441 years to reach Saturn.