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I believe the general length is around 6 months if it is under an ounce

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Q: How long will you get probation usually if you are charged with possession of marijuana?
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What happens when you are caught with possession of marijuana?

Penalties for possession of marijuana vary by jurisdiction but can include fines, probation, and possible jail time depending on the amount possessed. Repeat offenses or possession with intent to distribute can lead to more severe consequences. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the laws in your area to understand the potential consequences.

Is possession of marijuana a felony in Texas?

Possession of marijuana is considered a Class B misdemeanor in Texas for small amounts (less than 2 ounces), punishable by a fine up to $2000 and/or up to 180 days in jail. However, possession of larger amounts can escalate to a felony charge with more severe penalties.

What are the charges for possession as a minor?

Depending on the amount and if its a first offense, its usually just 6mo probation and a fine.

What is the average sentence for marijuana possession in the US?

The average sentence for marijuana possession in the US can vary widely depending on the state and quantity involved. In general, sentences for simple possession can range from probation and fines to a few days in jail, with more severe penalties for larger quantities or repeat offenses. Some states have decriminalized possession of small amounts, leading to reduced penalties or alternative sentencing options.

Illegal possession of alcohol a felony?

Not enough info given in the question to answer with certainty -but- 'simple possession' is not usually charged as a felony offense.

What happens when underage smokers are caught?

It would depend on the characteristics of the crime as in: How old is the individual? Where was the crime committed? What state was the crime committed in? The amount of marijuana in possession? Look for your state's laws in regards to that question. But most importantly, don't get caught!

What is the sentence for felony possession of meth in North Carolina?

Possession is usually an F5. First offense probably probation. Possibly up to 1 year in prison. Rehab either way.

What type of offense is possession?

A possession offense is usually being charged of possessing something illegal in the country you are being charged such as drugs, or paraphernalia (property/images etc...) depending on what the possession is and the amount of what ever it is you are charged with possessing it can be a minor or a federal offense. Possession with intent to distribute can in some places earn you a life sentence or a sentence of death (ex: Thailand).

Can you ask for prayer of judgment for possession of weed for the first time?

Possession of weed for the first time depending on where you live usually results in conditional discharge. That means fines, a possibility of probation but no criminal record.

What would a one time felon for possession of marijuana get?

Depends how much marijuana we're talking about. Usually possesion under an ounce is either a warning, or a small fine. Possession over an ounce carries charges, possible 5 years, intent to sell adds time and fines.

Is selling marijuana a misdemeanor?

Depends on state but usually possession of large qty (implies distribution) is what seperates mis from felony some areas.

How much money do you have to pay in the US for Marijuana?

First of all you don't get charged fur using, You get charged for having. Now that being said if your using you probably have around a gram so depending in which state Your in its around 3 to 4 hundred dollar's fine with possible probation, community service, and or rehab. O and the charge its self would be possession, which is a misdemeanor in most cases.