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300 billlion years

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Q: How long would it take a human to travel in earth time 600 light years?
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How long would it take to travel at the speed of light from Earth to Aldebaran?

It would take 65 years 11 months to travel to Aldebaran from Earth traversing at the speed of light.

What would happen if a human was to travel to Earth?

Seeing as how we humans live on earth, I am not sure what you mean.

What do light rays need to travel through space?

If light rays did not travel through space there would be no way for them to reach Earth.

What would a human need to travel through the universe?

Well Earth is part of the Universe and one can travel round Earth by walking. To travel to parts of our own solar system one would need a space ship. As far as we know it would take more than a human lifetime to travel to the nearest star to the Sun.

Why do light waves require a medium in which to travel?

Light waves do not require a medium through which to travel. They will travel (propagate) perfectly well in a vacuum. Otherwise, light would not pass through the vacuum of space. It would be very dark here on earth as the light from the sun, moon and stars could not reach Earth through the vacuum of space.

How long would it take light to traver around the world?

Light can travel once around the earth in .00013358 seconds.

If it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to travel from the sun to the earth how long would it take light to travel to mars?

From where ? ? ? From the sun: 12min 40sec From the earth when Mars is closest: 4min 21sec From the earth when Mars is farthest: 20min 59sec

For the moon to travel at the speed of light how long would it take to orbit the earth?

1 second

How long would it take light to travel between Earth and Mars at their farthest orbits?

It would take about 22.5 minutes.

How many seconds would it take to travel to the sun if you traveled at the speed of light when the radius of the earth is 6371 km equals 3960 mi?

It would take about 496 seconds to travel to the sun at the speed of light.

How long would it take to get to the sun if you could travel at the speed of light?

Sunlight takes 8.4 minutes to travel 93 million miles to Earth. It would take us that long to reach the Sun at light speed.

What does a light year have to do with the sun and the earth?

A "light year" is a measure of distance, derived from "how far light can travel in one Earth year". Thus, if you shine a torch for the amount of time it takes the Earth to orbit the sun exactly once, that light would have travelled the distance of a "light year".