

How long would it take to build an atmosphere around Mars?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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7y ago

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Mars already has an atmosphere. It is not known how long creating an Earthlike atmosphere because we do not have the ability to terraform planets and we do not know all of the challenges it might hold.

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Q: How long would it take to build an atmosphere around Mars?
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YES they would because of the atmosphere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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No. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, about 1/100th of Earth, which would kill if you were exposed to it.

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Mars's atmosphere is poisonous. The atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide which is not poisonous in small amounts, but is harmful in large amounts, like on Mars. Also you would die anyway because there's no oxygen.

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gas. Mars has only a thin atmosphere. What you would find on the surface is rocks.

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Does Mars have an atmosphere if it does what is it like?

mars is called the red planet because it has a slightly reddish tinge when you see it in the sky. the atmosphere of Mars is mostly carbon dioxide and has only 1 percent the pressure of Earth's atmosphere. You could walk around on Mars but you would have to wear an airtight suit and carry your own air, like a scuba diver. Mars has clouds but they are very thin compared to the clouds on earth. from the natural explorer text book