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Q: How long would it take to get to the sun if you could travel at the speed of light?
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IF a bulb travels at the speed of light and is turned on will it glow?

It could not travel at the speed of light. But hypothetically, it would glow.

Could cats travel at the speed of light or would they destroy it?

The answer is neither.

What would happen if a car could travel at the speed of light?

It would turn to energy

Would you travel in time if you ran the speed of light?

No. First of all you could not. But if you could, then time would stand still, not backwards.

How do you think it would be possible to travel at the speed of light?

The only way to travel at the speed of light is to not have any mass.

How long would it take to get to center of your galaxy at the speed of light?

Objectively, about 26,000 years - but IF (and you cannot!) you could travel at the speed of light, it would seem like no time at all had passed.

Could we travel faster than the speed of light Why or why not?

No. Just to travel AT the speed of light would require more energy than the entire universe contains. So all objects move at some fraction of light speed, never 1 nor greater.

If you travel at the speed of light in a car and turn your headlights 'ON' What will Happen?

To travel at the speed of light you would have to BE light so i guess you would became an even brighter light The switch to turn on the lights will work but no light will come on as you are already at that speed

If you were to travel as speed of light how long would it take to travel our solar system?

In the furthest reaches of the Solar System is the Oort Cloud; a theorized cloud of icy objects that could orbit the Sun to a distance of 100,000 astronomical units, or 1.87 light-years away. Therefor at the speed of light it would take about 3.74 years to travel the diameter of the Solar System. However no object with mass can travel at the speed of light.

What happens if you could travel at the speed of light or faster?

you would never get old, but you wouldn't be able to see yourself

If you could travel at the speed of light and you looked in a mirror would you see your reflection?

That would depend on your speed relative to the mirror. If you were holding it in front of you, yes. If it was stationary and you were passing it, no.

If there is a speed of light what is the speed of dark?

Dark does not exist, it is only the absence of light. Darkness is not an entity, so it does not travel and has no speed. In principle, a shadow or nonentity could "travel" faster than the speed of light. For example, if you pivoted a powerful laser a few degrees the point of light would travel across a screen very far away at a "speed" greater than light. Note that this is not at all faster than light motion. You could achieve a similar effect by casting shadows on things very far away. But none of this is actually a "speed."