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Not so long, its made out of gas so you would fall through and probably be burnt to ashes.

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Q: How long would you be able to live on Jupiter?
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How long would a person live on Jupiter?

you cant live on jupider dummy!

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How long can mouse live on Jupiter?

A mouse would die almost immediately in Jupiter. The temperature is about -110°C and the atmosphere doesn't have any oxygen for it to breathe.

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yes if they dident they would not be able to live very long

How long has the big dot on Jupiter been there?

It's actually called the Big Red Spot and no one can say for sure how long it has been there, but it has been there for at least as long as we've been able to observe Jupiter.

How long would it take to get from Jupiter to the moon?

789002727 hours

What do Jupiter's clouds smell like?

Ummm.... well, to tell you the truth, and not to burst your bubble, but no one has ever been to Jupiter, let alone, been able to smell the clouds. We won't be able to get to Jupiter for a long time, and being able to smell the clouds, well that will probably never happen. The smell of Jupiter is much like the smell of rotting eggs and glass cleaner

Would we be crushed by Jupiter's pressure?

Pressure in Jupiter is thought to be as high as 5,000GPa. On earth, typical air pressure is around 100kPa. So, if you fell deep enough into Jupiter you would definitely be crushed. However, the intense radiation in Jupiter would have already killed you long before you reached Jupiter's atmosphere.

How long would it take to travel to Jupiter with car?

you cant get to Jupiter with a car its in space! only if cars could fly

How long would a phone call to Jupiter take?

4 hours.

How long would it take to get to Jupiter by plane?

A plane could not fly to Jupiter because planes need air to fly in and there is no air in the space between ?Earth and Jupiter.