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Q: How mahogany trees adapt in the rain-forest?
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Related questions

What are some plants in a rainforest?

some plants are mahogany trees.

How many other trees are damaged by mahogany trees when they are cut down in the Amazon rainforest?

27 other trees are damaged in the process

What are some trees in the tropical rainforest?

Orchids, Bamboo, Mahogany, Teak, Fig, bromeliads, ferns, hibiscus are some of them.

How have capybaras adapt to the Amazon rainforest?

they are heavy and dont fall off trees

How do rainforest animals adapt in the rainforest?

they change there body fat or thin if it if freezing or boiling

What trees are mahogany made from?

Mahogany is a wood from the mahogany tree.

How have people adapted to their homes to the climate in the rain forest?

They adapt to the rainforest becouse they have food from trees/bushes and they get water from the rivers.

How do rainforest adapt to there environment?

A rainforest does not adapt to it's environment; it created the environment in which it's in.

What are some adaptations in the rainforest?

The rainforest is a unique climate that results in the heavy growth of vegetation, especially trees and other large plants. Animals that live there must adapt. Some of the most important adaptations include living in the trees instead of on the ground and unique coloration that blends in with the rainforest's vegetation.

How many trees have been destroyed to get mahogany trees?


Where in Australia do mahogany trees grow?

According to experts, African mahogany trees can be found in the Northern part of Australian such as Darwin and Katherine.

Is mahogany wood rare?

yes it is. there id only 1-2 mahogany trees per hectre in the amazon rainforest which is there home as for the wood it is just very expensive because a cubic meter can fetch more than US $1,600 per cubic meter