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Depends on the person. Every person bladder size is different and holds different amounts. It also matters if you are a female or male, and if you're a female and pregnant.

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Q: How man cups of urine does your bladder feel comfortable with storing?
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How much urine can the bladder hold?

A healthy bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine...

Which organs stores urine before it can be released outside the body?

Urine is stored in the bladder before excretion.

What organ stores only 2 cups of the 4-8 cups of the liquid waste that you produce every day?

The organ is the bladder in which urine is stored until there is a need to go to a toilet.

What is the bladder a reservoir for?

The bladder works like this: The kidneys filter the blood and send these liquid wastes to the bladder, where it is stored. Once the bladder reaches it's full capacity of about 4 cups, it has to dump the waste out (which is our urine, or pee)

How much urine can your body hold?

If you are a healthy individual, your body can hold roughly two cups of urine. Urine is stored in the bladder until there is enough to be excreted.

What organ stores 2 cups of liquid waste that you produce everyday?

The urinary bladder stores liquid waste that is produced by the kidneys before excretion.

How big is an empty bladder?

The bladder is a hollow muscular organ shaped like a balloon. It sits in your pelvis and is held in place by ligaments attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. The bladder stores urine until you are ready to go to the bathroom to empty it. It swells into a round shape when it is full and gets smaller when empty. If the urinary system is healthy, the bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine comfortably for 2 to 5 hours.

How much does 1000 cc urine equal to in cups?

1000cc's of urine or 1000 cubic centiliters is equal to just under 10 cups of urine NOW THATS ALOT OF URINE!

How much does a human bladder hold?

About 2 cups.

How many ounces can a human bladder hold?

2 cups / 16oz. 2 cups / 16oz.

How much left in the bladder after empting?

A 1,000 pound horse produces about 31lbs. of manure and 2.4 gallons of urine a day. Hope this is what you were looking for.

What is the bladders size?

3 gallons 3 gallons may be true for a cow, but it appears that the volume in a healthy bladder is about 2 cups. With age and stretching ("oversized") it can hold 4 cups or more. (One gallon is 16 cups!)