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Q: How many 2005 Dodge Magnums were sold?
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400,000 computers sold

How many dvds were sold in 2005?

There is no specific data available on the exact number of DVDs sold in 2005. However, it was a peak year for DVD sales due to the popularity of the format at the time. Sales estimates for the year vary, but it is safe to say that millions of DVDs were sold globally in 2005.

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well just in the us we looked at over 10227 trucks sold in 2005 in the usa

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Dodge Vipers are extremely expensive to most people so i guess its safe to say that many people don't buy a lot of them. But in 2009 the US sold an exact 482 dodge vipers towards people who wanted them and could afford them.

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6,400 cars were built for pre-sold.

In 2005 how many SUVs were sold in the US?

no one know lol

How many cherry wood schecter custom xxx guitars did they make in 2005?

They made 2005 of them for Guitar Center and they were made/sold in 2005.

How many Bibles were sold in 2005?

More importantly, how many of the purchased Bibles were actually read? My guess is that many more Bibles were sold than were actually read.

How many GMC Yukons were sold in California in 2005?

Go to the DMV and ask. They will have the answer.

How many used cars were sold in 2005-2006?

i think it is about 19 million