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Q: How many 400Mg ibuprofen is it safe to take at one time?
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Is it okay to take 2 400mg ibuprofen that expired two years ago?

I would not recommend it at all. There may or may not be any danger but to be safe do not take it.

Can a 13 year old take 400mg ibuprofen?

Im not sure?

Is it safe for me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen when you are 13 week pregnant?

You can take paracetamol. Ibuprofen should be avoided in pregnancy.

Is it safe to take klacid with ibuprofen?

Consult doc

Is ibuproffen 400mg safe to take after drinking wine?

NO! Ibuproffen and alcohol of any kind will destroy your liver!

How much paracetamal and ibrofen can you take at once?

You can take paracetamol four times a day, and ibuprofen 3 times. So you could take 1000mg of paracetamol (2 tablets, if you're over 12) with breakfast, lunch and dinner and at bedtime, and 400mg of ibuprofen (if over 12) mid morning, mid afternoon and mid evening, for a painkilling regime where you get to take something every couple of hours. If you were having to do this all day every day, you should be visiting your GP for optimal help with your symptoms. You can take the tablets together, if you had a headache you could take two paracetamol and 400mg ibuprofen together, or 500mg of paracetamol and 200mg ibuprofen - always better to start with the smaller dose and see if it works for you before going in with the maximum! But you still need to remain within the daily limits described.

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen and codeine?

Yes, the combination is safe. You can take 600mg ibuprofen up to 4 times daily if needed. Take it with plenty of water and with food in your stomach

What is a maximum dose of paracetamol one can take?

Depending on your age, and wheather or not you have a history of liver/gastric problems means this can not be a personal answer. However, for an adult, with no history of gastric/liver problems OR history of allergic reactions to paracetamol or Ibuprofen, you can take up to 1g of paracetamol, and 400mg of ibuprofen.

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen with shingles?

yes, definitely. any brand of ibuprofen (e.g advil) will do to reduce the pain..

Is it safe to take ibuprofen with calcium citrate?

only if you want to die!

Is it 'safe' for me to take 400mg of diphenhydramine after 40mg of adderall?

No, not unless these medicines have been prescribed for you by a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor).

Is it safe to take 600mg of ibuprofen with 10mg of nortriptyline?

No, not unless a Doctor has prescribed this for you.