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Q: How many 6 inch blocks will be enough to build two flats in Nigeria?
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A group of flats is called?

Flats are arranged in Blocks

What type of homes do most people live in?

Blocks of flats, I think.

What were houses in 1940 like?

many houses were made into blocks of flats, as alot of people needed homes and it was cheaper to buil blocks of flats. some had balconies but some didn't.they were also alot dirtier

When HDB flats are first build?

in 1965

Do they have big houses in Norway?

Yes -from single family homes to blocks of flats.

What types of home do most people live in russia?

Most people in Russia live in apartments within multi-unit buildings, especially in urban areas. In rural areas, single-family houses are more common. Traditional wooden houses, known as "izbas," can also be found in some parts of the country.

Which insurance companies provide cover for blocks of flats?

1st Sure and Endsleigh websites both offer Blocks of flats insurance. It is a crucial insurance for landlords to protect their buildings against damaged caused by a variety of events from fire, floor to storms.

How many HDB flats in Singapore?

slightly more than 1 million units. 10,000 blocks

How can rural settlement be urbanised?

Build loads of social housing (Council Flats).

What does MAB mean in maths?

It is an operation with blocks,flats,longs and units that can be answered by addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.

Do lifts in flats need to have manned emergency phones?

Consider this: NO flats would need a lift! By definition a flat (note the word 'FLAT') does not have ANY stairs, hence no need for a lift! I think that the questioner might have meant either the word 'apartment' or 'house' for 'flat' OR the question might be better written as "Do lifts in BLOCKS of flats need to have ...?"

What are the types of mass housing?

Any system of housing which contains multiple domiciles for separate and discrete family units within one building. Usually, but not exclusively, high rise buildings such as apartment blocks, blocks of flats, tenement buildings etc