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One, Mea Jemison

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Q: How many African American women went to space?
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How many women have explored space?

Due to prejudice, there didn't used to be any (even though in America in the early 1960s, several women qualified for the space program, but were refused admission). But in 2014, there are about fifty women from a number of countries who have been in space. The first was a Russian woman, Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963. The first American was Sally Ride, in 1983. The first African-American woman astronaut was Mae Jemison, in 1992. And the first Indian-American was Kalpana Chawla in 1997.

Are their a lot of African men and white women married couples?

No, not many, there are some but it's low. There are more African American men and white women couples(especially white American couples) though, that's prevalent but not with African men alot.

Why should you talk about Rosa parks on black history month?

You should talk about her because she fought for her rights as an African American. She was one of many brave African American women.

Why don't African American women date outside their race?

That is an incorrect stereotype. Many date outside their race.

Where some African Americans descendants of slaves who where freed during the American Revolution?

Yes, there were many slaves in America after the American Revolution that were eventually freed.. We find that even before the American Civil War there were many African-American men and women that had never been slave living in America.

How many African American police officer was in 1943?

None. Jim Crow was in full force and African Americans and women weren't able to become police officers.

Why do black women hyphenate their last names?

Hyphenating a last name is not only limited to African American women. Many women chose to hyphenate their last name for many reasons including for professional and personal reasons.

How did world war 2 affect women African Americans and Asian Americans?

World War 2 effected woman in many ways varying on location such as: -Women got to work outside the house for the first time. Many women worked in factories to help out in the war effort. -African American woman helped out in the war effort too, but African Americans were segregated from the Whites. -Japanese American woman were locked away in internment camps.

Did Sally Ride have a contributions?

Sally Ride represented the society of women when she went into space showing that women are just as capable as men.Sally Ride's contributions were very important.After that she dedicated the rest of her older years to educating young children.

Did the new deal by President Roosevelt help African American and Native American women?

African Americans: As As many African Americans were unemployed prior to the depression, the many aid and civilian work programs, such as FERA and the CCC, helped more Americans obtain jobs. These jobs created an income that could be put back into the economy.