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While it is difficult to find a concrete number, the proliferation of paranormal reality shows in the U.S. would suggest that the number maybe higher than it was in the past. Recent polls suggest the number may be anywhere from 33% to 65% of Americans believe in ghosts

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Q: How many Americans truly believe in ghosts?
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How many people believe in ghosts?

Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

If someone took a pole how many people believe in ghosts what would it say?

29% would believe in ghosts. 71% wouldn't believe in ghosts.

How many ghosts are in the world?

If you believe in ghosts, than there are many ghosts in the world. There is not an exact answer because some move on just as some die and become ghosts.

How many people in the world believe in ghosts?

About 60%

How many people believe in god but do not believe in ghosts?

I'm sure if you believe in God then you will believe in Spirits and Demons.

Is ghost aventures the show real ghosts?

No. There is no definitive evidence that ghosts exist, though many people believe they do.

Do ghost exsits and why do people believe in them if they dont?

There are many different beliefs on if ghosts are real or not real. People do believe in ghosts, whether or not they are real. There has never been any scientific study that has verified the existence of ghosts.

Do Christians believe in ghosts?

YES Christians believe in the existence of evil spirits, which is what they believe ghosts are. Christians do not believe a ghost is a dead person haunting humans or places on earth. There are also many different types of christians with different beliefs so your answer will vary.

How many people think ghost are real?

There are a lot of people that believe that ghosts are real. There also maybe people that believe in ghosts, but won't admit it.

Are ghost a mystery?

Many believe that ghosts aren't real, so there's no mystery to them.

Do ghosts affect the spiritual belief of a person?

It depends on the specific spiritual beliefs of that person. Many people do not believe in ghosts and therefore would have no effect.

Why are there sayings that cats and dogs can see ghosts?

Many people believe dogs and cats have a 6 sense. (like some humans have.) It allows them to sense and see spirits, Ghosts and demons. After Alot of research. Scientists believe this also.