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Q: How many Bishops Cardinals participated in 11nd Vatican council?
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Who were the people in the Second Vatican Council?

They are the Pope, Bishops and the Cardinals all over the world.

Who called the bishops to the First Vatican Council?

Pope Pius V called for the First Vatican Council.

When and where was the Second Vatican Council held?

The Second Vatican Council was held at the Basilica in Rome. During the years of 1962-1965, it was called by pope John XXIII..Catholic AnswerVatican Council II was held in Vatican City (which is in Rome, Italy). Church councils have always been named after the city in which they were held, from the Council of Jerusalem through the two Vatican Councils (which are the latest). Vatican Council II opened October 11th, 1962 and was closed December 8th, 1965, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. In Vatican City though some sessions were held elsewhere in Rome and within Italy as a whole..AnswerThe Vatican Council II met in St. Peter's Basilica when all the Council Fathers came together for a vote or some such. I don't think there was any other building that could hold all the Bishops from the entire world at one time:The Vatican had over 2600 Bishops and another addition to theologians and other experts, adding up to 3000. It consisted of;1089 bishops from Europe489 bishops from South America404 bishops from North America374 bishops from Asia296 bishops from Africa84 bishops from Central America75 bishops from Oceania, , which included Papua New Guinea, The Solomon Islands, New Zealand and Australia63 observers from other Christian Churches52 lay men and women over the whole four years.Please note, only Bishops were official members of the Vatican Council. Smaller meetings were held all over the Vatican in different meeting halls according to the size need.

Who is the counselor of the pope?

All the cardinals and bishops council the pope when required or asked.

Why did the Vatican II end?

Because the Bishops had accomplished what they set out to do and voted to officially end the Council.

What was the pope's role in Vatican II?

.Catholic AnswerThe only voting members of any Ecumenical Council are the Bishops of the Catholic Church. Invited and attending the Second Vatican Council were any number of observers, primarily periti (experts in various fields, the current pope, Benedict XVI, served as a periti during the Second Vatican Council), also there were outsiders invited to observe such as representatives from various protestant groups. .from Wikipedia:Attendance varied in later sessions from 2,100 to over 2,300. In addition, a varying number of periti (Latin: "experts") were available for theological consultation-a group that turned out to have a major influence as the council went forward. Seventeen Orthodox Churches and Protestant denominations sent observers. More than three dozen representatives of other Christian communities were present at the opening session, and the number grew to nearly 100 by the end of the 4th Council Sessions.

What county was Vatican I held in?

Vatican Council I was the first Ecumenical Council to be held at the Vatican in Vatican City which is an independent country.

When was Vatican Council l?

Vatican Council I met from 1869 to 1870.

What is one doctrine that came from Vatican Council II?

There were exactly no doctrines defined at the Second Vatican Council. The Second Vatican Council was the first purely pastoral council ever held in the Church.

What was the Catholic Vatican Council during 1869?

The First Vatican Council (an ecumenical/general council)opened, officially, on December 8, 1869, following 5 years of preparation, and "adjourned" on October 20, 1870. It was held at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. To distinguish: the 5 prior ecumenical councils were held at the Lateran Basilica (Rome, Italy) and are known as the Lateran Councils. There have been a total of 21 Ecumenical Councils. The first being the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) and the last (so far) is Vatican Council II (1962-1965).An Ecumenical (general) Council is a conference of the bishops of The Catholic Church and is intended to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine and practice. Key resolutions of Vatican Council I: several important canons relating to the Faith and the constitution of The Church were created/resolved. The Council also decreed (resolved in exact terms) papal infallibility as occurring, specifically, when the pope speaks ex cathedra-- from the Chair of Peter and defines -- in his capacity as shepherd and teacher of all Christians -- a doctrine/matter of faith or morals to be held/accepted by the whole Church. Understandably, non-Catholic Christians would reject that the pope speaks for all Christians but that is still the view of The Catholic Church when the pope speaks officially ex cathedraon a matter of faith or morals -- Truth.Vatican Council II Participants included: 6 archbishops ("princes"), 49 cardinals, 11 patriarchs, 680 archbishops and bishops, 28 abbots, 29 generals of orders, in all 803.Vatican Council I was also primarily (though not exclusively) a doctrinal council. By comparison, Vatican Council II was primarily (though not exclusively) a liturgical council.

Who met off and on until 1563 and was convened by Pope Paul III to examine the criticisms made by Protestants about Catholic practices?

The bishops and cardinals in the Council of Trent.

Is the Second Vatican Council an ecumenical council?

Yes, it was an ecumenical council.