


Bishops refer to a level of leadership within a religion. In some religions they are appointed by the highest authority, in others they are elected.

523 Questions

When did Oscar Romero become an archbishop?

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Oscar Romero became the Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977.

What is the latin root for the word archbishop?

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The Latin root for the word archbishop is "archiepiscopus," which combines the elements "archi-" (meaning chief or principal) and "episcopus" (meaning bishop).

What is the archbishop?

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the archbishops job was to look after the church and to preach the word of the gospel. Thomas Becket was a brilliant arch bishop but he was killed by the king Henry and 4 of his knights. he fled to France and then was killed when he came back

How did the public react about death comes for the archbishop?

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"Death Comes for the Archbishop" was generally well-received by the public, with many praising Willa Cather's poetic writing style and vivid depiction of the Southwestern United States. Readers appreciated the novel's exploration of faith, culture, and the human experience. Though some critics found the pacing slow, the overall reception was positive.

Who was Elizabeth Bishop's husband?

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Elizabeth Bishop never married. She had romantic relationships with women, including the architect Lota de Macedo Soares.

What does bishop do?

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Bishops generally oversee a diocese, and tend to the clergy as well as the parishes within that diocese... in this sense, you can think of a bishop as a Catholic "district manager". There are some ceremonies that they carry out that priests don't usually do, such as confirmations; they also sometimes lead mass at the main church within their diocese
A Diocesan Bishop confirms, ordains Priests, administers a diocese, preaches the Holy Gospel, performs visitations of, monasteries, convents, and seminaries, instructs the faithful in sound doctrine, and performs other Priestly duties as well.

An auxiliary Bishop of a diocese does whatever work he is instructed to do by his diocesan ordinary (the Bishop of the Diocese).

Bishops directly in the service of the Holy See serve in the offices of the Roman Curia, oversee certain Apostolic works, or can be employed in diplomatic service, such as Nuncios of the Holy See to various countries.
A bishop is like a pastor or a preacher.

Who is archbishop Martin pius kelly?

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Mr Martin Pius Kelly is a local preacher in Carlow, Ireland. He claims to be an ordained Tridentine archbishop but has not received any formal tertiary education (e.g. B.A., B.Th.) and has not received any formal seminary training. While Mr Kelly claims to hold an honourary Doctorate of Divinity, this was not awarded by a recognised degree awarding institution.

While Mr Kelly has not received formal training, he does seem to genuinely care about people and about scripture. To my knowledge, Mr Kelly does not seek financial gain via his preaching activities. Based on this anecdote, I would not consider him to be a predatory preacher.

Furhermore, Mr Kelly is a talented amateur musician.

When was Archbishop Makarios III Lyceum created?

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The Archbishop Makarios III Lyceum, named after the former President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III, was created in 1943.

How many Catholic bishops were in the US in 1920?

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According to historical records, there were approximately 200 Catholic bishops serving in the United States in 1920.

Address of the archbishop of Birmingham?

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Canterbury and York are the only two places in the UK to have archbishops.

If you mean Birmingham, England, there is no Archbishop. The two Archbishops of the Church of England live in Canterbury and York.

I can't speak for other Birminghams, though!

How many men are there on a chess board at the start of a game?

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The game of chess begins with two kings on the board, one for each side. Neither side can ever have more than one king on the board, nor can either side ever have fewer than one king on the board. The king is the essence of the game. When one of the kings is checkmated, the game is over.

How do you get checkmate with two bishops only in chess?

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You can't. It's impossible. Even should one side make a deliberate attempt to lose, this cannot be accomplished. Moves may be made ad infinitum with the same result - no winner. The match will end in a draw. According to official chess rules, when there are only the kings left, the game is by rule a draw. No further moves are allowed. The game is immediately over.

How do you address a Catholic archbishop in writing?

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have just consulted the clear and excellent website on Google entitled How To address Anglican Clergy ( I wanted to check that a Ven. was an Archdeacon. Would suggest ou do the same: it tells you how to address envelopes, how to begin letters = salutation,how to introduce clerg to people and speak to them in conversation etc..

Do bishops in chess represent elephants?

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No, they are supposed to represent advisors.

Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1213?

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Stephen Langton was the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1213.

How many archbishops are there in england?

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There are two - The Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Archbishop of York.

What is the name of the Archbishop of England?

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it is, Thomas Cranmer, who was made archbishop by, King Edward VI, with the help of Nicholas Ridley and preacher Hugh Latimer, Cranmer lead England in more drastic Reformation.

Who is the cardinal archbishop of Chicago?

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The Saint Louis Archbishop is Archbishop Robert J. Carlson.

Who is the archbishop of the church of Ireland?

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there are 2 - the primate is the Archbishop of Armagh, and the other is the Archbishop of Dublin


The Church in Ireland (the Catholic Church) and the Church of Ireland (the Anglican Church) both have two Archbishops, from Wikipedia:

At present the Archbishop of Armagh for the Roman Catholic Church is Seán Brady. Alan Harper holds the office in the Church of Ireland. The current Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin is Diarmuid Martin. The current Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin is Michael Jackson.

What is Rob Bishop's birthday?

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John Bishop was born on November 30, 1966.

When was Archbishop Christodoulos born?

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Asked by APIBirthday

Archbishop Christodoulos was born on January 17, 1939.

Who played the harp in the movie the bishops wife?

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Mr. Gail Laughton

How is the Archbishop of Canterbury selected?

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The Prime Minister of Great Britain makes the appointment

Do bishops eat meat?

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Everthing why would they eat anything different to everyone else when they are still humans