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Q: How many Canadian women were in the workforce during wwi?
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How many women didn't join the workforce during World War 2?

69% or 9 million eligible women workers

How did the end of the war affect the women in workplace?

During World War II many women entered the workforce. The end of World War II affected women in the workplace as many of them returned home instead of staying in the workplace.

How many women joined the US workforce during World War 1?

about 17, give or take a few

How many Americans women were in the workforce in 1960?


How did the war affect the women in the workplace?

During World War II many women entered the workforce. The end of World War II affected women in the workplace as many of them returned home instead of staying in the workplace.

How did popular culture reflect the reality of women in the workforce during the 1950's?

Television shows in the 1950s frequently showed women as housewives. In reality, many women in the 1950s did not have the luxury of being housewives.

How did the end of the war affect women's workplace?

During World War II many women entered the workforce. The end of World War II affected women in the workplace as many of them returned home instead of staying in the workplace.

What does the political cartoon by Rosie the Riveter mean?

Rosie was developed to encourage women to enter the workforce during World War II. Many women were better able to enter the workforce in what were then considered nontraditional roles such as munitions and aircraft factories, taking the place of men who were off fighting in the war. She has become quite the cultural icon for womens' empowerment and is an enduring testament to the image and strength of women in the workforce.

How did the end of the war affect the workplace?

During World War II many women entered the workforce. The end of World War II affected women in the workplace as many of them returned home instead of staying in the workplace.

Name 2 jobs that women did during the war?

During World War 2 many women entered the work force for the first time. Many male only occupation, industry and farming in particular welcomed these replenishment of the workforce. Factory work, as well as serving in the military were new frontiers for women.

How are women's lives changing during the 1950s What is the impact of the Betty Friedan's book?

In the 1950s, women were beginning to question their roles and realize the depths of their unrealized potential. Many had returned home after serving in the workforce during WWII. Betty Friedan's book, the Feminine Mystique, documented this and spurred discussion about it.

What was one consequence of so many young people in the early 1800s?

More women entered the workforce.