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Roughly 7% of Canadians reported speaking a language other than English or French at home, according to the 2016 Census. This includes languages such as Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, and more.

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Q: How many Canadians don't speak English?
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You say "hello" because Canadian isn't a language and many Canadians speak english.

Does Justin bierber speaks french?

No Justin Does not speak French He's Canadian. ^ Wow. you obviously know nothing, many Canadians speak french smart one. I dont think so he doesnt speak it fluently he may know a little but who knows?

How many people in Canada don't speak French?

According to the 2006 census, 67% of Canadians speak English at home as their first language. Most Canadians, however, can speak English even if it is not their first language as it is so prevalent, save in the province of Quebec which wishes to retain its French heritage.

Why is French the native tongue of Canada?

It isn't. French is the native tongue for many people in Quebec and New Brunswick as well as small pockets in Alberta, but the majority of Canadians speak English.

Do Canadians usually speak French?

Many Canadians do speak French and most from Quebec or New Brunswick are capable of conversing in it even if they do not have true fluency. However, most Ontarians, Manitobans, Saskatchewanians, Albertans, and British Columbians do not speak French (most are monolingual Anglophones). In fact, it has been found that more Canadians speak Cantonese than French, especially in British Columbia.

What does Canadians speak?

We Canadians don't talk wierd at all. It's the rest of the English-speaking world that talks wierd. Besides, we speak French too, and all the rest of the French-speaking world speaks French wierd as well. OK, wierdly then.

What percentage of people in Canada speak Italian?

11.36% of the United States population speaks Spanish. This is based off of the fact that there are around 34, 547, 077 people who speak Spanish, and that the United States population is around 304, 059, 724.

Do they speak English in Ukraine?

Yes, English is spoken in Ukraine, particularly in larger cities and tourist areas. However, Ukrainian and Russian are the official languages of the country.

Does taboo from the black eyed peas speak in spanish?

he can speak spanish but he primarily uses english. you are probobly thinking of Apl.De.Ap, who speaks ( o, i dont know how to refer to the languge they speak in the Phillipeans). Apl has many songs, bothe with BEP and by hiself, that are completely not in english, yet he still speaks perfect english ( he does have an accent.)

Why do you think many french Canadians want to be independent from english-speaking Canadians?

This feeling of independance goes back to when the English conquered Canada (or Québec as it was then called) and took control over the population, who had for quite some time been under French monarchy. As the English tried to assimilate the French population to the English immigrants, by restricting the catholic religion, and imposing an education based on the English system, it was natural for the French-Canadians to feel as tough they were a nation apart. This feeling is still true for many.

How many speak English in the us?

As of 2011, there are about 315,000,000 people in the US. And 305,000,000 of them speak English.

Why would people in nigera speak English?

Many people in Nigeria speak English, as it was a British colony for many years.