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Q: How many Carbon can form stable bonds with other atoms?
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Why is carbon fundamental for organic compounds?

Carbon has the ability to make 4 strong covalent bonds with other elements or carbon atoms. Also it can make stable double, triple bonds with other atoms. Carbon can make long stable chains .

What happen to carbon atoms valence electrons when it bonds with other atoms?

Atoms gain lose or share valence electrons in a way that makes the atoms more stable

What sorts of bonds can carbon use?

Carbon atoms form covalent bonds with other carbon atoms, and with other nonmetals, such as carbon and oxygen, or carbon and hydrogen.

What do other atoms form with other atoms to come more stable?

chemical bonds

Why does carbon atom bonds to four other atoms?

It doesn't necessarily "bonds to four other atoms."

The carbon atoms in organic molecules are bonded to other atoms by?

Carbon atoms are fixed into organic compounds in The Calvin Cycle.

What kinds of bonds can carbon atoms form?

A double carbon bond is a covalent bond. Also carbon atoms can form double bonds. Carbon shares electrons with other atoms.

How many bonds can Carbon form with other atoms?

Each carbon atom can covalently bond with as many as four other other atoms. Answer is 4.

What are three characteristics of carbon that contribute to the diversity of organic compounds?

Carbon can bond with other carbon atoms making long carbon chains. Carbon can form strong pi-bonds allowing for double and triple bonds between carbon atoms as well, and the carbon-carbon pi-bonds can be delocalized for additional stability in rings.

Does Carbon Atoms form more bonds that other atoms?


How many valence electrons and how many bonds does carbon form with other atoms?

carbon has 4 valence electrons and can form a maximum 4 bonds with other atoms.

What bonds does carbon atoms tend to form?

Carbon will almost always form bonds with other carbon atoms, and that is part of what makes it such a useful element.