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We do not keep statistics on our users' country of origin. As of March 31, 2011, there are 6,218,243 members on My guess it that there are possibly hundreds - if not thousands - of users who are from China.

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Q: How many Chinese contributors does WikiAnswers have?
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The WikiAnswers contributors know so much because they learned that much in school and from WikiAnswers.

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WikiAnswers contributors' ages can range from 10 - about 90 years old. It depends on the user, or what group of users. Many different people are many different ages, though.

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The major WikiAnswers contributors can be seen through the 'Top Contributors' list. To see the Top Contributors list, simply go to the WikiAnswers home page, scroll to the bottom, and click the 'View Top Contributors' link. There is where you see the top 100 contributors of all time, the top 50 answerers, and top 50 editors on WikiAnswers.

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The number of online contributors to WikiAnswers varies. It can be up to thousands at peak times.

What does WikiAnswers like?

Good contributors.

Are awards given for monthly top contributors?

No, there are no awards given to monthly top contributors on WikiAnswers. But prizes are given during WikiAnswers contests like the WikiAnswers AnswerThon.

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It would be very hard to say exactly how many, but there are many of us.

Why does WikiAnswers answer so slow?

There are a lot of questions to be answered and only so many contributors.

Do any of the WikiAnswers contributors get paid?

No. All WikiAnswers contributors answer questions just for the fun of it, not for profit. Community Assistants, who are employees, are paid.

Does WikiAnswers really know all the answers?

No. WikiAnswers does not know all the answers. The WikiAnswers website only knows as much as the contributors that give the answers and the contributors only know so much since, as humans beings, we all still have questions about many different things that we can't find the answer to.But that doesn't mean the contributors on WikiAnswers don't have a great amount of knowledge to be shared.