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Finland fought against the Soviet Union and was an ally of Germany, but it didn't send people to concentration camps.

Finnish authorities did, although, at the time, without the consent of political leadership, send eight middle European Jewish refugees (non-citizens), to the German authorities (Gestapo) in Estonia, seven of which perished in Auschwitz and there was sizable exchange of POW's (Russian to Germans, Estonian and Ingrian to Finns) between Finnish and German authorities between 1941 and 1943/4.

After the war Finland was forced to hand over a large number of former Soviet citizens who fought on Finnish side (Estonians) or were refugees to Finland (Ingrians) to the Soviet authorities, which meant them being treated in the Soviet Union as traitors and subsequently meant that many of them were executed or sent to Soviet (concentration/prison) camps in Siberia.

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Q: How many Finnish people died in concentration camps?
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How many people were saved from Auschwitz?

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What happened to the people that were sent to the concentration camps?

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No..... No..... The people who died in the concentration camps died because it was the intention of the Nazis that the people who were sent to the concentration camps were to die. They starved because those that imprisoned them did not feed them.

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Counting the soldiers and people executed in the concentration camps 70,000,000.

What happened in Germany after Adolf Hitler was dead?

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Where did Hitler kill Jews?

In concentration camps. He had people killed by the thousands every day in concentration camps throughout Europe. You should read a book called "Night" by Eliezer Wiesel. **************************************************************************** You're stretching it a bit by saying, "He (Hitler) had people killed by the thousands everyday in concentration camps through out Europe." Of course people died in all the camps but there were only three camps in which people including the Jews were "killed" and all three were in Poland.