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Darwin visited 4 islands in 5 weeks.

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Q: How many Galapagos Islands did Darwin visit?
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What puzzled Darwin about the Galapagos finch?

Darwin was puzzled about the many adaptations of the finches on the Galapagos Islands

What puzzled Darwin about Galapagos finches?

Darwin was puzzled about the many adaptations of the finches on the Galapagos Islands

What island did Charles Darwin go to discover finches?

Since Darwin found many species of plants he found many species of finches. Those species, just like the warbler finch, were found on the Galapagos Islands.

What island chain in south America was the source the of many of Darwin's insight?

the Galapagos Islands

What famous island west of Eduader were extensively studied by Charles Darwin?

The Galapagos Islands. Many Islands, not just one.

During Charles Darwin's voyage on the beagle many of Darwins observations were made where?

on the galapagos islands

What made Charles Darwin be curious about evolution?

he visted many of the Galapagos islands and there he got curious

What did Darwin notice about the adaptations when he traveled to the Galapagos Islands?

~Darwin observed that the characteristics of many animals and plants varied noticeably among the different Galapagos Islands. They also had different adaptations, such as beak size and shape, and tortoises' shell shape, with helped them survive in their environment.

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's observations?

During Darwins visit to the Galapagos island he observed that these islands had many unique organisms, most of which were similar to but different from the plants and animals from the nearest mainland.... thus this indicated how population evolved. Darwin called this "descent with modification" meaning an ancestral species could diversify into many descendant species by the accumulation of adaptation to various environment. His observation described the theory of evolution.

How many people visit the Galapagos Islands every year?

Roughly 200,000 XD

What is the name of the famous island that Charles Darwin sailed to?

The Galapagos Islands were by far his most important discovery and would make them really important. Here is a site with more information: http:/

What four places did Darwin visit during his five year voyage?

Darwin traveled on HMS Beagle. His voyage was extensive, stopping at many exotic places and a trip which took nearly five years; they did not to return to England until October 2, 1836. During that time, they visited Tenerife, the Cape Verde Islands, the Brazilian coast, Argentina, Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego, Chile, the Galapagos Archipelago, Tahiti, New Zealand, Tasmania and the Keeling Islands