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Q: How many Gallons in a case of green beans?
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How do you string green beans?

You don't string green beans. Unless you want to for some strange reason. But there are many kinds of green beans. 'String green beans' is the name of a common type of green bean.

What does greens beans weigh?

it depends on how many green beans...

How many grams of green beans is in a pound?

First take the weight in pounds and multiply it by 453.59. The resulting number is the weight in grams. In this case the answer is 453.59 grams of green beans.

How many gallons are there in a 6.75 lbs can of black beans?

Pounds measure weight while gallons measure volume... Can't really convert unless you had the density of black beans

How many cotyledons do green beans have?


How many cups of green beans are in a pound of green beans?

One pound of fresh green beans trimmed yields approximately 3 cups raw. One pound of fresh green beans trimmed and cooked yields about 2 cups.

How many pounds of green beans are in a bushell?

28 pounds of green beans is in a bushel excluding the container they are in!

2 pounds of green beans equals how many ounces?

16 ounces in a pound. 2 lbs of green beans is 32 ounces

How many pounds of beans do you need for 100 people?

You need 25 pounds of green beans

What is the ingredients in green beans?

Just green beans, unless you wish to add seasoning such as salt, or other ingredients such as onions, ham, etc. And there are also many recipes that have other ingredients with green beans as the main ingredient.

What vegetables start with B and end with N?

Bean is a vegetable. There are many types of beans including green beans, black beans, kidney beans and pinto beans.

How many growing seasons for green beans?

Green beans are a catchall name for variety of pole and bush beans that happen to be green (they do come in other colors). Pole and bush beans are planted after the last Spring frost and depending on the variety can be harvested in about 60 days.