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Q: How many Germans did home guard kill?
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How many Russians did the Germans kill?

20 million

Does it mean that if you were German you were part of Hitler?

Not necessarily, there were many Germans who were against Hitler and who even tried to kill him.

How did many Germans view Hitler's anti-Semetic vision for a master race?

many Germans viewed it as the way that it should be, many Germans viewed it as a political message, many Germans viewed it as unattainable.

What wartime victories did germany experience in western europe?

The Germans had many victories. They occupied the whole of Europe. In the end they didn't have enough troops to effectively guard their most vulnerable point.

Who likes the Germans?

Many people like Germans.

What langages do the Germans speak?

The Germans speak German. There are many Germans that can also speak English and no doubt many Germans are able to speak many other languages depending on their education and position in life,

How many bullets did an average soldier have in ww1?

abour 1000000 Though many Russian soldiers were not even armed but simply told to run in and kill the Germans with whatever they could find.

How many Germans died in the Battle of Berlin and how many Britons?

5000 Germans and 200 britons

Why were the Jews greedy with money to the Germans?

They weren't. Considering that Germany did not allow Jews to do much of anything, the Jewish people were not greedy with money to the Germans or anyone else for that matter. This was just a lie to blame everything on the Jews and to make it easier to kill as many of them as possible.

What was used to kill six million Jews during world war 2?

Jews were sent to death camps where diseases spread and many germans killed jews there.

How many army divisions did Britain have in world war 2?

32 not including ATS Womens units and Home Guard

Did Germans fight back at Hitler?

Some did, there were many attempts on his life by Germans.