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Q: How many Gila monsters use to live on earth?
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What does a Gila Monster have?

the Gila monsters has poison,4 legs,a strong grip,and yellow patches.

How many babies does a Gila monster have?

Gila Monsters sexually matures at 3-5 years. Fertile females may lay a clutch of eggs once a year after mating. The clutch consists of two to twelve eggs, with five being the average clutch. The Gila monster may live up to 20 years in the wild, or 30 in captivity, so a reasonable estimate would be about 5 babies a year for up to 17 years.

How many Gila monster left on the planet?

Less than 700 are left in the world. Western Lowland and Cross River Gorillas - threatened species Eastern Lowland and Mountain Gorillas - endangered

The smallest protein consists of about how many amino acid units?

Ever wonder what the smallest protein is? Apparently it's TRP-Cage, a protein with only 20 amino acids derived from the saliva of Gila monsters.

Two snakes that are poisonous found in India?

I think there are Monitor Lizards in India.

How many young does a Gila monster have?


How many people live in earth now?

6 billion people live on Earth.

How many eggs does a Gila trout lay?

The Gila Trout's spawning season is anytime from March until June. The female Gila Trout only lays 150 eggs per year.

How many people try to help earth?

There are many people who care about our planet. Earth is where we live, and will continue. If we don't care about Earth, how are we going to live?

How many peacocks live in earth?

it is changing all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZERO live in Earth, the first answer is correct for the number living on Earth.

How many legs does a Gila monster have?

4 legs i think

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