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Q: How many Indian tribes did Lewis and Clark meet?
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How many Native American tribes did Lewis and Clark see?


How did the Indians help Lewis and Clark?

The Indians helped Lewis and Clark by providing them with food, supplies, guidance, and valuable information on the terrain and wildlife they encountered during their expedition. Many Indian tribes also offered friendship and assistance in navigating unfamiliar territories.

How many people did Lewis and clark start with?

How many people did lewis and clark start with?

Did Lewis and Clark meet any new people on their journey?

Yes, Lewis and Clark encountered several Native American tribes during their journey, such as the Mandan, Shoshone, Nez Perce, and Chinook. They also came into contact with various indigenous peoples who had not previously encountered European Americans.

What are three important things Meriwether Lewis have done?

Well Lewis and his co- commander William Clark has done one of the most epic expedition in history. He and Clark discovered over 177 different plants and animals! They even got to name some or i think all of those plants and animals. They met many different Indian tribes like Blackfeet,Shoshone, Manana's Perce', and many more.

Were Lewis and clark respectful to the native Americans on their journey?

Lewis and Clark generally had respectful interactions with many Native American tribes they encountered on their journey. However, their expedition also brought some negative consequences for indigenous peoples, such as introducing diseases and encroaching on their territories.

How many deer did Lewis and Clark kill on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark killed 13 deer on their expedition

Did Lewis and Clark communicate with the Native Americans?

Yes, Lewis and Clark communicated with many Native American tribes during their expedition. They traded goods, shared information about the land, and sometimes relied on Native American guides to navigate unfamiliar territories. Their interactions were crucial for the success of their expedition.

What was William Clark's job after the Lewis and Clark expedition?

After the Lewis and Clark expedition, William Clark served as the Superintendent of Indian Affairs, overseeing relations between the U.S. government and Native American tribes. He also held various military positions, eventually reaching the rank of brigadier general.

How did sacagawea help leiws and clark?

Sacajawea helped the Lewis and Clark expedition immensely she guided through the far West got them food and was an interpreter of the many Indian tribes they encountered along the way. The Sioux were most troublesome and if it wasn't for her and the bartering she arranged between the expedition and the tribe the journey might have ended therein the Northern plains

Who did Lewis and Clark see on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark met Sacagawea and her husband and other many Native Indians.

How many other traveled with Lewis and clark?

No one else traveled with Lewis and Clark. It was just an expedition of the two of them.